Frontend Developer Training


This course teaches frontend developers to use the commercetools composable frontend platform for developing flexible webshop-frontend applications. An expert trainer will introduce the architecture of the composable frontend platform and workflows for using and enhancing the available components. Use the Studio, the API hub, create your own frontend components and feed them with data from data sources, create dynamic pages and actions that make the UI experience complete for the e-commerce website. It also includes a workshop section that will allow participants to apply all the knowledge learned during the training to actual use-cases that will provide them with valuable tools to apply in their day to day work.

This hands-on training course will provide the learner with best practices.


10 hours delivered in 2 day in-person or 3 half-days for virtual classroom training

Who should take this course?

- Frontend Developers
- Full stack Developers
- Anybody interested in frontend development

This course teaches you to

  • Understand the architecture of the composable frontend platform

  • Use the Studio

  • Develop and configure storefront UI components and pages

  • Use data sources

  • Create and use dynamic pages

  • Create actions

Prerequisite skills

  • Solid JavaScript and frontend web development experience

  • Basic React.js knowledge

Course Contents

Getting to know the Composable Frontend Platform Architecture

  • CFP Architecture and Components

  • CFP Data flow

  • CFP Environments

Building Frontend Components

  • CFP UI components

  • CFP Pages

  • Create and configure your own frontend components

Dynamic Pages and Data Sources

  • Create a data source and link it with a frontend component

  • Create and use dynamic pages

  • Build actions


  • Apply all new knowledge and skills in various use-cases meant to replicate a normal e-commerce website workflow

The training calendar is updated daily. If you do not find an open slot, wish to add a private class or would like to discuss additional, alternative dates, please contact the training department. We will get back to you very shortly.

Fill in the application form and request your course.
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