Our Achievements

Enhancing ESG performance through proactive improvements

Our sustainability performance is regularly assessed internally and by ESG rating agencies, and we're proud to continually showcase our results with transparency. We welcome valuable feedback that helps us to grow and improve.

Enhancing ESG performance through proactive improvements


Sustainability is our incentive and our responsibility. As a multinational company, we want to set an example by presenting our successes transparently to everyone. You can find our sustainability report for the 2023 financial year here.

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commercetools Sustainability Report 2023


Our employees are our most important asset. Without them, we would not be able to achieve results and continue to grow. That is why they and their needs are a special focus in reaching our DEI/B goals. To learn what DEI looks like at commercetools, please read our 2023 DEI report.

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ESG Rating

The EcoVadis label is one of the most widespread rating labels. For the 2023 financial year, we had this external review of our sustainability strategy and results carried out for the first time and achieved an excellent result.

ESG Rating

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