PHP Composable Commerce Developer Training

commercetools Training Developer Training

This course is designed for developers with little or no knowledge of the commercetools platform but relevant experience with their programming language. An expert trainer will introduce you to one of our SDKs and help you become familiar with the SDK and the commercetools API resources through hands-on exercises.

The course addresses a wide range of technical concepts, explains best practices and discusses different implementation scenarios. The course is currently available using one of our SDKs for the following programming languages:



- 14 hours, split into 2 days in-person or 3 half-days for virtual classroom training
- 30 to 60 minutes given as homework and review tasks per day

Who should take this course?

- Software Developers
- Technical Team Leads
- Technical Solution Architects

This course teaches you to

  • Create and maintain commercetools organizations and projects

  • Use one of our SDKs to create, synchronize and maintain resources in commercetools projects using best practice patterns

  • Understand and use platform customization and extensibility options 

  • Extend and configure commercetools projects programmatically to meet your own business needs

Prerequisite skills

  • Sound professional experience in the programming language of the SDK being used in the course.

The training was interactive, practical, well-paced and lots of hands-on exercises. Thoughtfully placed exercises from customer, search, cart, checkout, order, etc. helped in understanding end-to-end flows from different commerce subsystems.
Shabbeer Mohammed

Assistant Manager, Deloitte US

commercetools Training Developer Training Deloitte Logo

Course Contents

Getting to know commercetools
  • Organizations and projects

  • Introduction to commercetools and the commercetools mindset

  • commercetools touchpoints

  • commercetools regions, organizations, projects

Resource Life Cycle

  • Introduction to the SDK being used in the course 

  • CRUD operations on resources

  • Authorization flows

Products and Resource Synchronization 

  • Products, product types and product variants

  • Product and project synchronization

  • Import API

  • Project synchronization

Carts, Orders and Checkout

  • Checkout and order creation

  • Channels, inventory information and state machines for implementation of business requirements and workflows

  • Product and cart discounts

  • commercetools payment API

Store Management and “me” API authorization

  • Store-based cart management 

  • “Me” endpoints for access from SPAs and native mobile apps

Search, Queries and Bulk Download  

  • Product search

  • Bulk export optimization

  • commercetools GraphQL

Extending commercetools

  • API extensions and message subscriptions

  • Custom types

  • Custom objects

  • Use commercetools connect to set up integrations

Use commercetools connect

  • Understand Connectors and Connect applications

  • Explore public and private connectors

  • Deploy a public connector

  • Develop and test your own custom connector

Optional Topics

  • Deployment approaches and tradeoffs

  • Logging, error handling, performance considerations

  • The MACH initiative

The training calendar is updated daily. If you do not find an open slot, wish to add a private class or would like to discuss additional, alternative dates, please contact the training department. We will get back to you very shortly.

Fill in the application form and request your course.
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