What makes one company better able to compete than another? What role does your eCommerce platform play in helping you achieve your business goals? In our first annual report on big trends and outcomes in eCommerce platforms, we looked at what happens when companies prioritize an eCommerce platform migration. The results may surprise you.
The ability to compete is within reach
The State of eCommerce: Replatforming and Migration Trends for 2024 provides a deep dive into the replatforming and migration trends among retail, B2B manufacturing and consumer packaged goods organizations. It sheds light on the buying triggers for recent migrators, the buying blockers for potential migrators and the desired business outcomes for both. It also presents the implementation challenges for recent migrators and spotlights the benefits these businesses have recognized.
Ultimately, the report provides business leaders with a strong argument in favor of putting a migration to modern commerce at the top of their priority list.
This robust report offers a deep understanding of the challenges businesses face and the positive outcomes migrating to composable commerce delivers. Here, a sneak peek at key insights from recent and potential migrators.

Key factors influencing platform migration

Current eCommerce platforms can’t keep up

Sales and revenue improvements
What eCommerce migration success looks like
The big three success metrics for recent migrators are: the ability to compete, customer satisfaction, and TCO — organizations gain a competitive advantage from getting the highest customer satisfaction with the lowest TCO possible.
Choose your vendor wisely and reap the rewards
Respondents overwhelmingly agreed that the benefits of their new eCommerce platform outweighed any challenges encountered.

of recent migrators said they were satisfied or very satisfied with their migration to a new eCommerce platform.
The group of recent migrators surveyed included a sub-set of respondents that transitioned to commercetools Platform. The report uncovered that commercetools migrators experienced noticeably better results. For instance, among respondents who reported reduced TCO, there was a 12 percentage point difference between organizations that recently migrated to commercetools versus all recent migrators, meaning commercetools customers were 1.7x as likely to report a reduction in total cost of ownership.
Respondents who migrated to commercetools also reported increased development team availability for other projects which was 17% higher than those who switched to other platforms. Advantages like these enable organizations to devote more time and resources to developing innovative features that make end customers happy.
Realized Benefits Between commercetools Migration vs. All Recent Migrators