A blueprint for composable commerce: How commercetools Foundry reduces B2C retailers’ deployment time by 30%

A blueprint for composable commerce: How commercetools Foundry reduces B2C retailers’ deployment time by 30%

Mary Rebecca Harakas
Mary Rebecca Harakas
Senior Product Marketing Manager, commercetools
Published 14 May 2024
Estimated reading time minutes

Unlocking the benefits of composable commerce is now easier than ever with our blueprint for B2C retail: commercetools Foundry. Get to know the details of this groundbreaking pre-composed solution that helps brands and retailers go live in weeks and accelerate time to value.

A blueprint for composable commerce: How commercetools Foundry reduces B2C retailers’ deployment time by 30%

The rise of composable commerce has brought a breath of fresh air for brands and retailers to achieve outstanding customer experiences with unlimited flexibility and agility. A roster of businesses such as Bang & Olufsen, River Island and Woolworths continue to prove the benefits of composability. Plus, leading analysts, like Gartner and Forrester, have turned into composable advocates, lauding composable commerce as a paradigm-shifting and future-proof solution for brands and retailers. 

However, the transition from pervasive legacy technologies to composable commerce hasn’t always been perceived as easy for many companies, especially the ones working with massive and complex monolithic systems. For many executives and tech leaders, the prospect of changing the paradigm from an all-in-one to a modern, composable platform seemed daunting.  

commercetools Foundry addresses this challenge by providing a clear, actionable blueprint for B2C retail. This guide further simplifies the adoption of composable commerce and speeds up implementation, ensuring a quick and effective transition.

Blueprints are fantastic tools that help companies understand the intricacies of technology solutions. For composable commerce specifically, this blueprint is all about helping brands and retailers understand how to unlock the benefits of composable faster. In short, this pre-composed solution and expert best practices give a head start to a commerce project, helping you navigate from A to B with speed and precision from setting up and steering a project from the start to a successful go-live — and beyond. 

With step-by-step guidance and best practices accumulated from hundreds of success stories, commercetools Foundry will empower retailers to accelerate implementations by 30%, cut down costs by $500K+ and speed up decision-making 10-fold.  

What’s inside commercetools Foundry: More than a blueprint

commercetools Foundry provides everything you need for a seamless composable implementation journey, from guides and architecture recommendations to project management tips and store launchpads. As a pre-composed solution, Foundry brings together all the components you need to build and run outstanding shopping experiences, combining commercetools Composable Commerce, Frontend, Checkout and Connect into an example retail store to kickstart your commerce project. 

The pre-composed solution by commercetools

While commercetools Foundry provides a comprehensive blueprint for B2C businesses, it also goes the extra mile to empower retailers with knowledge, launchpads and more with the mission to make composable implementations as seamless and straightforward as possible. Here’s an overview of what you can expect to find beyond the blueprint: 

  • Best practice guides: Harness the technology prowess and expertise of commercetools distilled into best practice guides across a range of topics, from optimizing time to value and product data modeling to using the strangler fig pattern for migrating checkout. 

  • AI-powered developer assistants: Let your engineering teams onboard even faster, easily finding answers to commercetools-related questions with our AI tools.

    • Docs Assistant: Answers queries ranging from choosing the optimal pricing approach for your business case to configuring discounts using the right API — and everything in between. 

    • Code Generator: Quickly generates demo code for tasks like API client creation and cart modifications, facilitating hands-on experience with commercetools APIs.

  • Store launchpads: Tap into a ready-to-use store for B2C commerce.

  • Expert services: Leverage commerce know-how to turbocharge your implementation and accelerate time to value. With a selection of curated offerings from kick-off to launch led by commercetools experts, you get personalized guidance to successfully bring your commerce vision to life. 

Together with a comprehensive blueprint for B2C retail, paired with tailored resources, launchpads and expert services, you get guidance at every step of your journey: 

  1. Planning: Plan your commercetools project with ease and confidence with step-by-step guidance covering topics from solution architecture and project planning to discovery, demo flow and more. 

  2. Implementation: Build for success with best practice guides and developer tools. Get started in seconds with the Store Launchpad for B2C Retail. 

  3. Onboarding: Get to know commercetools better and faster with AI-powered developer assistants and enhanced documentation that speed up your development and deployment processes. 

  4. Expert support: Rely on a team of commerce experts with knowledge collected from 450+ of the world’s leading brands. 

  5. Optimization: Continue to enhance your commerce stack and make the most of composable with a team of experts ready to review your projects and share additional guidance and know-how.

Available for B2C retail brands (with a B2B manufacturer's solution also available), commercetools Foundry is a significant step forward in our journey toward providing simplified, effective composable commerce.

A B2C Blueprint for Composable Commerce: commercetools Foundry

Get started

commercetools Foundry is the next step in our composable mission, bringing unparalleled simplicity for companies of any size or digital maturity to adopt this groundbreaking technology. We’re confident that this blueprint, with the accompanying best practices guides, tools and more, will help your organization create the outstanding experiences your customers expect while accelerating your commerce implementation and time to value. 

To find out more about commercetools Foundry, get in touch with our commerce experts.  

Mary Rebecca Harakas
Mary Rebecca Harakas
Senior Product Marketing Manager, commercetools

Mary Rebecca is a Senior Product Marketing Manager at commercetools, focused on B2C. With over a decade of experience across product and marketing teams, she excels at crafting GTM strategies and positioning products to drive growth and deliver value.

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