Break free of monolithic platforms that stifle growth

A new era of digital commerce has arrived — and it's headless. Leave your monolithic platform in the past and move to a future-fit solution so you will never have to replatform again.

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Break free of monolithic platforms that stifle growth
Become agile to grow

Say goodbye to outdated systems that hold innovation back. With composable, API-first commerce, you can have the agility and speed to tackle opportunities as they come — and turn them into revenue streams.

Test business ideas in weeks, not months

Free your business and marketing teams from relying on IT so they can make changes wherever and whenever needed.

Make it flexible and cost-effective

You never know what the future holds. Reduce the cost of unpredictable market changes and technical debt with an architecture that lets you innovate without hassle.

Composable commerce = Reduce cost + increase results

Your commerce technology always requires some form of investment, often referred to as the TCO (total cost of ownership). ROI (return on investment) is the other half of the equation: It’s the result you get from the ROI you made. With legacy platforms, your TCO can spiral out of control while ROI becomes increasingly difficult to achieve. Composable commerce, on the other hand, inverts these values: Invest less and achieve more at the same time. And grow like never before. 

Key benefits of composable commerce

White Paper How commercetools Composable Commerce Lowers eCommerce TCO

This white paper focuses on the subject of TCO (total cost of ownership) in eCommerce investments. Throughout, we’ll shed light on what eCommerce TCO entails, and how spend productivity leads to better cost management and business outcomes. 

Future-proof your commerce just like our customers already did

With commercetools, John Lewis & Partners moved away from its legacy commerce platform and gained the scalability and flexibility needed to provide customized digital customer journeys.

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Customer Possibility Story of how John Lewis & Partners provide customized digital customer journeys

With commercetools driving Audi’s digital platform, the automotive brand built a highly scalable, global architecture that leverages new eCommerce business models in weeks.

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