What is Cloud-Native?

Everything you need to know about cloud-native commerce

Being cloud-native refers to a modern approach to building and running software applications that leverages the flexibility, scalability and resilience of cloud computing. As software/SaaS that runs in the cloud, all of its functionalities are natively integrated with core components of cloud providers.

Leveraging cloud-native commerce
commercetools Mach Architecture Cloud-native

Focus on your business, our secure and scalable cloud infrastructure takes care of the rest

Cloud-native architecture gives you reliability, scalability, and flexibility while being pay-per-use and removing the responsibility of maintaining your own servers. Inherent fully-managed SaaS commerce capabilities allow for lower eCommerce TCO and faster time to market.

commercetools MACH cloud-native

Automatic scaling

Cloud-native architecture gives you access to far more computing resources and power than a traditional hosted solution, whether that's automatic scaling or geographic reach. commercetools scales to ensure you can continually deliver great customer experiences.

The Ultimate Guide to Cloud Commerce
commercetools Mach Architecture Cloud-native Automatic Scaling

Lower TCO while reaping the benefits of the cloud

Cloud infrastructures are constantly kept up-to-date, not just with performance and feature updates but security too. Cloud providers undergo a number of certifications and security audits, providing peace of mind without you having to do anything.

How to Lower eCommerce TCO
commercetools Mach Architecture Cloud-native Lower TCO

Fast and responsive applications

The cloud offers the ability to create better and faster applications, with many technologies available from cloud providers to enhance key areas. Cloud-native commerce is crucial to taking advantage of these benefits.

Migrating to the Cloud
commercetools Mach Architecture Cloud-native Fast & responsive applications
As a scalable cloud solution, commercetools takes care of all the background commerce processes, without us having to worry about updates and maintenance.
Ronan Tighe

Chief Product Officer, Moonpig

Moonpig logo

Highlighted Partner Google Cloud: The Perfect Match for commercetools

Strengthening an existing partnership, commercetools and the Google Cloud Platform joined together in 2021 to create a robust package that comprises a host of ‘best-of-breed’ solutions. The goal is to facilitate the digital transformation of customers through joint go-to-market efforts that make it easier to run commercetools on the Google Cloud Platform. With its pioneering API-first, microservices-led, and cloud native approach, commercetools provides brands with the building blocks to deliver unique, seamless experiences across multiple touch points. Google recognized commercetools for its achievements in leveraging Google Cloud to create comprehensive and compelling solutions that make a significant impact on the industry with the 2020 Google Cloud Industry Solution Partner of the Year – Retail award.

Learn more
commercetools Mach Architecture Cloud-native Google Cloud


Every vendor I see is in the cloud, what’s different about commercetools?

Cloud is a key term that everybody is trying to get on board with, whether they have it or not. When you hear the claim of being “on” the cloud, it’s important to check if a solution is merely hosted within a virtual environment (VM) in the cloud as this would not offer the many advantages of the true cloud.

How does being in the cloud provide me with benefits?

Cloud-native applications allow flexibility in creating desired customer experiences without vendor lock-in. You are able to build functions the way it best works for your business with the reliability, scalability, and performance provided by the cloud.

What cloud providers are supported by commercetools?

commercetools is agnostic to cloud infrastructure providers. In case you have existing investments or have built integrations/extensions in a cloud environment, we can run all commerce capabilities in the cloud environment of your choice and meet our SLAs.

Which cloud provider would you recommend?

The choice of cloud provider depends highly on a business, their goals, teams and more. Most of our customers happen to have a preference for GCP, though we support the other main providers as well.