How commercetools Frontend enables omnichannel commerce

Bring omnichannel commerce to life with commercetools Composable Commerce and Frontend: Build, test and optimize digital storefronts for every device

Ankita Verma
Ankita Verma
Product Marketing Manager, commercetools
Published 27 March 2024
Estimated reading time minutes

Explore a mobile-first revolution with commercetools Frontend's live interactive preview of digital storefronts, and learn how our API hub orchestrates omnichannel commerce, streamlining processes and reducing operational costs.

How commercetools Frontend enables omnichannel commerce

Elevating previews: A mobile-first approach

The user experience on various devices is crucial in today's mobile-driven world. To meet this need, commercetools Frontend’s Studio — our toolkit for easily building commerce sites — has a live interactive preview, allowing you to test your digital storefront's usability on actual devices. View how pages and content work and perform on mobile, desktop and other devices so you can validate the user experience in real-time. 

Given that users predominantly engage with sites on mobile devices, interacting with the actual mobile interface provides invaluable insights, optimizing the experience for thumb-based interactions. The live preview remains active during page edits, allowing you to witness real-time changes, such as title alterations, instantly on your phone. This feature exemplifies a mobile-first approach, highlighting commercetools' dedication to delivering outstanding user experiences.

Multiple channels with maximum flexibility

How can businesses ensure a flawless omnichannel experience? The answer: By clearly separating between data and layout so that the same data can be used anywhere.

In commercetools Frontend, the API hub serves as the backend for the frontend, middleware or orchestration layer, offering a unified approach to query all data in the tech stack. It consolidates the data/actions from and to APIs, sending the combined data to the frontend and any third party seeking to consume it. 

While serving the main backend for the web experience delivered via commercetools Frontend, the API hub can also serve multiple other channels, spanning commerce platforms, native mobile apps and beyond. Therefore, it orchestrates the data and activity flow between all channels and the respective backend system, establishing itself as the central orchestrator linking all backend functionalities to every facet of the customer experience.

Why should you use our API hub?

Our API hub gives you access to all your data (commerce, content, personalization) in a format that can be used for any channel. Built with a TypeScript stack for optimal performance, it offers auto-scaling and multi-region support for a seamless user experience and can be seamlessly integrated with our composable commerce solution for unparalleled connectivity. 

With alignment to commercetools workflows, streamline API orchestration and web frontend delivery for desktop and mobile. Plus, our highly extensible hub effortlessly integrates with various headless solutions, enhancing time-to-value and reducing operational costs, all while enabling frictionless omnichannel commerce.

How Christie Cookie Co. kicked off in 6 months with commercetools

Christie Cookie Co., known for its premium sweet treats, revamped its online shopping experience in just six months with commercetools Composable Commerce and Frontend. The company's aim? To enhance content control, improve mobile user experience and create a website that reflects their high-quality products. Thanks to commercetools, the company achieved these goals.

The implementation led to exciting features like a Custom Tin Builder and multi-ship checkout, letting customers add up to 500 addresses to a single order along with various options. With zero rollbacks and continuous weekly releases since its go-live, Christie Cookie was able to gain a competitive edge in the market.

The choice of commercetools Composable Commerce and Frontend, coupled with integrations like Stripe for payments and Klaviyo for customer communication, streamlined the digital transformation. What's more, the flexibility of commercetools Frontend enabled Christie Cookie to control and iterate on their site with ease, resulting in improved content management. 

The modernized platform nailed responsive mobile experience, promotional capabilities and robust performance. Plus, it proved its agility during a holiday outbound email snag: A problem emerged with its outbound email service, leading to new customers not receiving sign-up verification emails. 

Aries Solutions and Christie Cookie swiftly devised a solution: A toggle switch for site operators to disable verification emails. Within days, the feature was live, enabling seamless account creation for all users and empowering the business with a new operational tool. Previously, on their legacy platform, such changes would have required lengthy external processes. Thanks to commercetools Frontend, Christie Cookie now controls its content and site operations directly, streamlining its workflow. 

If you're interested in learning more about deploying commercetools Composable Commerce and Frontend into your commerce platform, download The Business Leader Guide to Digital Storefront Technology.

Ankita Verma
Ankita Verma
Product Marketing Manager, commercetools

Ankita is a product marketing professional at commercetools and is passionate about developing value-based product messaging to communicate the vision and value of their products to the market. She has lived and worked in five different countries and navigated roles in the consulting and financial services industry before transiting into eCommerce post MBA.

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